The Ceremony
As the
sun set on the beach, Sarah came down a makeshift aisle of palm leaves escorted
by her brother Michael. On either side of the winding path, several
Maasai warriors stood by with
lit torches.
Sarah wore a stunning wedding dress
that was - in retrospect - completely unsuited to travel through sand. By the
end of the evening, Sarah
had collected close to a kilo of sand in the various folds of her dress!
Nevertheless, she was absolutely beautiful as she approached the makuti on the
beach, where David was anxiously standing.
Mr. Hasssan, from the office of the Zanzibar Regional Commissioner began the ceremony. Each read a copy of the official Marriage Oath, signed the document and had it witnessed by Best Man: Andrew Hopkins and Bridesmaid: Julie Styner-Foster. The marriage certificate itself was also signed and stamped completing the official component of the ceremony.
Next, Sarah & David stood side-by-side as David's father,
Donald welcomed those that had gathered and commenced with the vows and
exchange of rings.
Given that everything took place in a public area, there were numerous tourists already on the beach that immediately became part of the ceremony. Many later ended up joining us towards the tail end of the reception as well! As a general rule of thumb, photos that show Italians in bikinis are other guests of the hotel......